
FAPESP’s Engineering Research Centers – ERC

Outro formato Ano: 2020

Partnerships between FAPESP and private enterprise to create research centers in strategic areas with long-term funding combine advanced science and applications for technological development. Building on the solid foundation offered by university-business interaction in São Paulo, the strategy stimulates research with ambitious objectives and teams that include company researchers. FAPESP enters into cooperation agreements with companies and issues calls for proposals to establish the centers, where researchers from universities and research institutions in São Paulo work with researchers from the companies concerned. FAPESP and the partner companies share the investment for a period of five to ten years. The institutions that host the centers also contribute to the investment in the form of operating expenses and salaries. FAPESP extends funding for these centers through its FAPESP Program for Research Collaboration for Technology Innovation (PITE).

Autoria: FAPESP

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