
Annual Report FAPESP 2021

Relatório Ano: 2022

This Annual Report on FAPESP’s activities in 2020 details the results of its investment in scientific and technological research using funds transferred by constitutional mandate from the São Paulo State Treasury, and from other sources. It highlights FAPESP’s contribution to the advancement of science and innovation in São Paulo, and to the solutions to many economic and social challenges. The framework for the Report comprises two funding instruments – research scholarships/fellowships and research grants – awarded by FAPESP to further six funding strategies: (1) Training of Human Resources for S&T; (2) Basic and Apllied Research; 3) Research for Innovation; (4) Research on Strategic Themes; (5) Support for Research Infrastructure; and (6) Communicating Science to the Public. Marco Antônio Zago (presidente do Conselho Superior da FAPESP 2018-atual); Carlos Américo Pacheco (diretor-presidente do Conselho Técnico-Administrativo da FAPESP 2016-atual); Fernando Dias Menezes de Almeida (diretor administrativo da FAPESP 2017-atual); Luiz Eugênio Araújo de Moraes Mello (diretor científico da FAPESP 2020-2023).

Autoria: FAPESP

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