
COVID-19 Special: COVID-19 and research in São Paulo State (Annual Report FAPESP 2022)

Outro formato Ano: 2023

Publicação “COVID-19 Special: COVID-19 and research in São Paulo State” de autoria de FAPESP, integra o Relatório Anual de Atividades da FAPESP de 2022 (Annual Report FAPESP 2022). Abstract: In 2020 and 2021, FAPESP issues calls for research proposals relating to COVID-19, and approved 91 projects for investment of more than $12 million. In first-quarter 2020, the number of publications on the subject rose significantly. They surpassed 2,000 in 2021 and reached more than 6,000 all told, corresponding to 36% of nationwide production measured in terms of scientific articles on the subject. The number of publications remained high in 2022, albeit not at the same level as in the previous year. Marco Antônio Zago (presidente do Conselho Superior da FAPESP 2018-atual); Carlos Américo Pacheco (diretor-presidente do Conselho Técnico-Administrativo da FAPESP 2016-atual); Fernando Dias Menezes de Almeida (diretor administrativo da FAPESP 2017-atual); Luiz Eugênio Araújo de Moraes Mello (diretor científico da FAPESP 2020-2023).

Autoria: FAPESP

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