BIOEN FAPESP: Brazilian Research on Bioenergy
Bioenergy is an important clean energy alternative. The Brazilian experience has shown that sugarcane is an extremely viable crop for the production of bioenergy. […] Total bioethanol production for 2009/10 is projected at 27 bilion liters in 405 plants, 157 of which are dedicated exclusively to ethanol. […] To respond to the increasing need for R&D in the area of biofuel the State of São Paulo Foundation (FAPESP) created a Bioenergy Program (BIOEN). FAPESP is one of the Brazil’s leading public funding agencies for scientific research. The FAPESP Program for Research on Bioenergy – BIOEN, aims to link public and private R&D, using academic research institutions, and industrial laboratiories to advance and apply knowledge in fields related to ethanol production.
Autoria: FAPESP
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