
Annual Report FAPESP 2009

Relatório Ano: 2010

This annual report on FAPESP’s activities in 2009 details the results of the its investment in scientific and technological research using funds transferred by a constitutional mandate from the São Paulo State Treasury, and from other sources. It highlights FAPESP’s contributions to the advancement of science and innovation in São Paulo and its impact on solutions to economic and social challenges. Celso Lafer (presidente do Conselho Superior da FAPESP 2007-2015); Carlos Henrique de Brito Cruz (diretor científico da FAPESP 2005-2020); Joaquim José de Camargo Engler (diretor administrativo da FAPESP 1993-2017); Ricardo Renzo Brentani (diretor-presidente do Conselho Técnico-Administrativo da FAPESP 2004-2011); Candido Portinari (artista plástico).

Autoria: FAPESP

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