Brazilian Biodiversity Research: a promising future

Outro formato Ano: 2012

Since 1999, the Virtual Institute of Biodiversity ( has been studying the biodiversity of the São Paulo State. The Biota’s mission is to catalogue and characterize the biodiversity of the State, defining the mechanisms for its conservation and sustainable use. Scientists of São Paulo State public and private universities, from research institutes and NGOs participate in the Biota program. The program involves approximately 400 PhD scientists and 500 graduate students. Futhermore, the are 80 researchers from other Brazilian states and approximately 50 from other countries collaborating with the projects. In 12 years, the Biota-FAPESP program has supported 134 research projects, trained 168 science Masters and 134 PhD students, produced and stored information on approximately 12,000 species and managed to link and make available data of 35 major biological collections. Scientists participating in the program have catalogued more than 1,800 new species. This effort is summarized in 760 articles published in scientific indexed journals.

Autoria: FAPESP

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